This spring, The Clayton Farm is experiencing a storm surge of online orders. I assume people finally realize growing their own food is literally like printing their own money. Some say "fresh" produce is as good as the marketed organic produce; if not better. I say why not both?
Today we are going to talk about Purple Tree Collard, it is one of the classic crops in any permaculture garden, like mine. We all know the darker the greens are, the higher nutrients it gets. This collard is a perennial brassica that grows like a tree. Like other brassicas, it is exceptionally sweet in cold weather.
During this crazy COVID-19 pandemic time, enjoying a nice bowl of ramen noodles from a restaurant is close to impossible. To satisfy the craving, I go to the garden, snip off 10-15 leaves of purple tree collard, add a Back Yard Happy Chicken Egg fresh from the coop, sprinkle a few of dehydrated crazy hot pepper mixed. We've all heard of a dollar meal, but where can one fill an empty stomach with pennies, yet delicious, nutrient-dense like this Taiwanese-style quick meal?
On a side note, we use young tree collard leaves for salads, and the big leaves for stir fry. And our farm animals aren't left out, they get to share some too! Who says climbing the corporate ladder is the way to make money? You are printing money when you grow your own crop.