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Eriocephalus africanus is a bushy shrublet indigenous to South Africa. It is known as the Kapokbossie or Wild Rosemary (Afrikaans "wilde roosmaryn") referring to its fancied resemblance to rosemary.  Eriocephalus africanus is fragrant, with lightly felted foliage that gives the plant a matt silvery appearance. It plays a pivotal role in its ecosystem. As part of the fynbos, it helps maintain soil structure and quality by preventing erosion. Additionally, its flowers provide essential nectar for bee species and other pollinators, supporting the vibrancy of local ecosystems. The plant’s adaptability also allows it to thrive in nutrient-poor soils, making it a vital component of its habitat. This delightful shrub is not only beneficial for the ecosystem but also finds its place in human culture. Traditionally, indigenous peoples have used the leaves for medicinal purposes and as a natural remedy for various ailments. 

Cape Snow Bush Eriocephalus africanus Wild Rosemary

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